I just bought over $700 worth of plane tickets for the two (count 'em! Two!) weddings I will be attending in 36 hours at the end of September. One's in Tucson, one's in Las Vegas, and I'm terribly excited about both. But. It'll make my weekend look like this:
- Thursday, Sept. 28--teach class, end class early, catch bus to train, switch to O'Hare train, fly to Tucson, eat Jack In The Box, drag my sister and her boy to the Shelter, sleep.
- Friday, Sept. 29--well, I can't very well go to Tucson and not shop at the Macy's that's always been very, very good to me, can I? Also today must bring visits with the niblings, tortilla-eating, and, of course, my cousin Jill's wedding (since it's the whole point of this leg of the trip and all). All around, big family day. Then, possibly, Club Congress and sleep.
- Saturday, Sept. 30--fly to Vegas, play blackjack, begin getting my friend Wendy drunk (because she needs it), and get Nancy ready to get married. Get Nancy married. Back to drinking and blackjack. Consider sleeping.
- Sunday, Oct. 1--Die, possibly? Breakfast at the tragic Denny's across from Treasure Island where I have both witnessed a tranny-prostitute knife fight and my own wedding dinner. Late this afternoon, we fly back to Chicago. Thankfully, it's a non-stop flight.
- Monday, Oct. 2--Teach at 9:30 a.m. Seriously?
Not the most hectic weekend possible, but considering I'll be taking the rest of the week to recover from running errands today, I think it might kill me. With joy! And fun! And seeing family and friends! And cocktails!
Sadly, the detour through Vegas means I won't be able to haul home a supply of tortillas. Which means I'll just have to eat a dozen or so while I'm there.
Hooray! I vote for getting champagne drunk - it IS a wedding after all. And if you have any room in your bag, bring me some of the medium-size St. Mary's tortillas and I'll pay you back.
The Shelter - oh, fun. I'm telling Joe to bring his go-go boots!
Also, and not to knock your wedding dinner site, but: beware that Denny's. Eating there ruined a perfectly good day in Vegas for both Joe and I. You do not want the details.
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